Nissow Kfz-Service - Online registration service
Do it from home - our registration service
This is where you can find and download all necessary documents you need for registering your vehicle. Simply select your place of registration, send your completed documents, and let us do the rest.

Nissow registrations
HH - Hamburg
All required documents collected for you to download. Simply send us your completed forms and let us do the rest.
Nissow registrations
WL - Winsen Luhe
All required documents collected for you to download. Simply send us your completed forms and let us do the rest.

Nissow registrations
STD - Stade
All required documents collected for you to download. Simply send us your completed forms and let us do the rest.
Nissow registrations
LG - Lüneburg
All required documents collected for you to download. Simply send us your completed forms and let us do the rest.

Nissow registrations
PI - Pinneberg
All required documents collected for you to download. Simply send us your completed forms and let us do the rest.
Nissow registrations
OD - Oldesloe
All required documents collected for you to download. Simply send us your completed forms and let us do the rest.
Nissow registrations
SE - Segeberg
All required documents collected for you to download. Simply send us your completed forms and let us do the rest.
Nissow registrations
RZ - Ratzeburg
All required documents collected for you to download. Simply send us your completed forms and let us do the rest.
Nissow registrations
HK - Heidekreis
All required documents collected for you to download. Simply send us your completed forms and let us do the rest.
Nissow registrations
ROW – Rotenburg (Wümme)
All required documents collected for you to download. Simply send us your completed forms and let us do the rest.
Nissow Kfz-Service - Online registration service
Upload form for data transfer
Once you have downloaded and completed all required documents for your registration area, you can simply send them to us via the following upload form. We will take care of it and get in touch with you.